How to Remove Vinyl Graphics

Have you ever found the perfect item, but is has a vinyl logo or graphic plastered all over it?

Me too!

I came across this issue once again, when I came across the perfect backpack for my daughter. Her competition dance team has matching custom backpacks available for purchase, but they are $69 dollars each. YIKES! After scouring Amazon, I found the exact brand and style for $29.99, but of course it has a different company logo on it. It was worth the risk to me to purchase the backpack and remove the labeling myself.


Over the years I have figured out that the easiest way to remove vinyl from any project is to use acetone. I purchased a bottle of 100% acetone from my local Dollar Tree and used cotton ball to apply it to the backpack. (Before you use acetone on any project, test it on a small section of the project or on the left over scraps from the project. You want to make sure not to damage your project.) Once I new that the fabric would not be damaged by the acetone, I set off to work removing the logos using these steps.

  1.  Apply acetone to cotton ball
  2. Place the cotton ball over a section of the vinyl for a few seconds.
  3. Using small circular motions, rub the cotton over the vinyl
  4. Turn the cotton ball over to a clean side after a few circles over the vinyl (switch to a new cotton ball anytime it gets too dirty)
  5. Repeat steps 1 – 4 until the vinyl is removed. 
  6. Rinse the material with fresh water once all of the vinyl has been removed.


Voila! You are done!

All of the logos were removed in less than 10 minutes!


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